Health Education Information

The safety and well-being of our students in Lexington Three are of paramount importance, and it is crucial that students are equipped with the knowledge and resources to protect themselves from abuse and recognize the signs of abusive behavior. 

Erin's Law & Gavin's Law

Since 2014, Erin's Law, named after Erin Merryn, has required that all public schools provide age-appropriate education on child sexual abuse prevention. Lexington Three's policy pertaining to Erin's Law is IHAM. Click here to view it. Similarly, new legislation now requires public schools in South Carolina to provide age-appropriate education to students about the dangers and consequences of sexual extortion. This requirement came about through the passage of Gavin's Law, Act 54 of 2023, which makes the act of blackmailing someone using sexually explicit images or videos a felony offense and an aggravated felony if the victim is a minor, vulnerable adult, or if the victim suffers bodily injury or death directly related to the crime. The law is named after 17-year-old Gavin Guffey who was a victim of sexual extortion, resulting in him taking his own life. 

Following recommendations from the S.C. Department of Education, Lexington Three is incorporating the requirements of Gavin’s Law into the Erin’s Law curriculum. Through age-appropriate lessons, classroom discussions, and resources, we will work to ensure that all students receive the education and support they need to navigate these important issues. We encourage parents and guardians to engage with their children about these topics at home and to reinforce the messages of safety and respect that are being taught in our schools. Together, we can create a community where every child feels valued and supported. For more information, feel free to visit our website and review Lexington Three’s policies pertaining to Gavin’s Law. The policies are GBEBE (staff policy) and JICFB (student policy). More information (and videos) about Gavin's Law can be found by clicking here.

Comprehensive Health Education Program (CHEP) Act

In addition, since 1988 when it became law, Lexington Three has been providing comprehensive health education to students. The purpose of the Comprehensive Health Education Program Act (CHEP Act) is “to foster the development and dissemination of educational activities and materials which will assist South Carolina students, teachers, administrators, and parents in the perception, appreciation, and understanding of health principles and problems and responsible sexual behavior.” To continue to fulfill the obligation of the CHEP Act to the students of Lexington Three, the Health and Wellness teacher will teach a unit on human sexuality to students as part of the requirements of this course. These lessons also address the State Health and Safety Education Standards for the high school grades in this area.

The materials and lessons used are age appropriate and tailored specifically for each grade level as the CHEP Act applies to students in grades K4 through 12th. Lessons vary depending upon student age but include information such as: sexual abuse and assault awareness and prevention, anatomy, personal sexual health, healthy relationships, consequences of risky behavior, sexually transmitted diseases, pregnancy prevention and childbirth, complications and consequences of teenage pregnancy, future family planning, decision-making, and building good character and relationships that are important for your child’s health.

As part of the SC Comprehensive Health Education Program Act of 1988, parents have the option to have their student opt out of instruction and/or preview the materials. For the 2024-2025 school year, we only need your response if you do not want your child to participate in the Comprehensive Health Education Program instruction or if you wish to preview the CHEP materials. If this statement applies to you, you must notify your child’s principal in writing of the request by no later than August 12, 2024. If you would like for your child to participate in the CHEP instruction, we do not need to hear back from you.

Other Resources

Click here to watch the health education instructional video for B-L Primary and Elementary Schools.