2024-2025 Teachers of the Year
2024-2025 Teachers of the Year
From left to right: Aimee Kirkland (B-L Primary School), William Ash (B-L High School), Corey Bedenbaugh (B-L Middle School) and Brittnee Milewski (B-L Elementary School)
End of Gallery
Panther Stadium Aerial Footage

Panther Stadium Aerial Footage
Panther Stadium is looking absolutely beautiful thanks to all of the recent facility upgrades that have been done there. New grass, new turf, some fresh paint and a remodeled concessions area. We are proud to be Panthers!
Meet the 2024-2025 Teachers of the Year

Meet the 2024-2025 Teachers of the Year
Meet our Teachers of the Year for the 2024-2025 school year! BLPS - Aimee Kirkland, BLES - Brittnee Milewski, BLMS - Corey Bedenbaugh, BLHS - William Ash
B-L High School Alma Mater

B-L High School Alma Mater
Enjoy this production of the B-L High School Alma Mater as presented by choral students from BLHS and BLES as well as the Panther Band!
Lexington Three - an award-winning school district

2023 SC School Nurse Administrator of the Year
- Kim Hendrix

2021-2022 SC Assistant Principal of the Year
- Dr. Era Roberts

2020-2021 SC Administrator of the Year
- Angie Rye

2020-2021 SC Principal of the Year
- Sonya Bryant

2020 School To Watch Designee & 2023 Re-Designee
- B-L Middle School

2018 Palmetto's Finest Winner
- B-L Elementary School