Lexington Three Now Upgrading To Golden Panther Passes

Lexington County School District Three is upgrading the passes that are currently being used by retirees and senior adults living in district lines to a brand new Golden Panther pass. The old passes will still be accepted for free admittance into athletic events for the duration of the 2023-2024 school year. However, beginning with the start of the 2024-2025 school year, only the new Golden Panther passes will be authorized for free admittance.

Therefore, individuals are asked to please stop by the Lexington Three District Office, located at 338 West Columbia Avenue in Batesburg, to obtain their new pass. Please be sure to bring your old retiree or senior adult pass to turn in. If you are a senior adult, you are also asked to please bring your driver’s license so that we can verify that you live within the Lexington Three district lines.

We thank you for your help and support!