Our friends in the Panther Pals and Reading Buddies Mentoring Program had their fall skating party today at Celebrations in Leesville. There were lots of smiles to go around as kiddos skated and enjoyed pizza together!
over 1 year ago, Lex3 Communications Dept.
 skating party
 skating party
 skating party
B-L Middle School cordially invites all veterans and active military members to join us on Thursday, November 9th for the school's Veterans Day program. The event begins at 9 am. #lexington3istheplacetobe #pantherstrong #beapanther
over 1 year ago, Lex3 Communications Dept.
Veterans Day Invite
Congratulations to the following winners of the 2023 B-L High School Homecoming Court: 2nd Runner Up: Destiny Cyrus; 1st Runner Up: Laiken Brock; Homecoming Queen: Claire Moseley.
over 1 year ago, Lex3 Communications Dept.
Homecoming Court
Homecoming is this Friday, October 13th in Panther Stadium! Kickoff is at 7:30 pm versus Fox Creek. Come home to Lexington Three for the evening and show some love to our Panthers!
over 1 year ago, Lex3 Communications Dept.
Panther Families - We hope you had a terrific Enrichment Session Week and are enjoying Fall Break! (From the pictures we've seen, it appears that everyone is having a wonderful time!) Don't forget that our schools will resume their regular schedules on Monday, October 9th. We cannot wait to see our Panthers very soon!
over 1 year ago, Lex3 Communications Dept.
Reminder Image
Panther Families - This is a friendly reminder of some schedule changes that are occuring the next two weeks in Lexington Three. ***September 25th through 28th - ENRICHMENT SESSION WEEK. This week is specifically for students who qualified for one of our academic camps and for those who signed up to participate in one of our BLAST enrichment camps. Please click the following link for information regarding where the camps are being held, student drop-off and dismissal procedures, bus route information and much more: https://www.lex3.org/page/enrichment-session-information. NOTE: Students who are not participating in an academic or enrichment camp do NOT report to school during this week. ***September 29th: HOLIDAY *** October 2nd through 6th: FALL BREAK (no school for students) ***Our schools will resume their regular schedules on Monday, October 9th.
over 1 year ago, Lex3 Communications Dept.
We're still swooning over our Teachers of the Year and wanted to share some more pictures from our banquet on Tuesday evening. The event was held at T&S Farms in Leesville and the theme was "LEXcellence in District 3." Head over to our Facebook page to see more pics and then head over to our YouTube channel to watch our Teacher of the Year finalists in action in their classrooms! Here's the direct link to the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pS_YTLR5C9Q&t=1s
over 1 year ago, Lex3 Communications Dept.
We've now made it easier for you to "tell us something good!" We're calling on students, staff members, parents, family members and residents of Batesburg-Leesville to let us know any and all good news that pertains to our district. Yes - we know and hear about most of it but we do miss things and we want to ensure that we're telling ALL of the GREAT news that pertains to our Panther family. So be sure to bookmark our Tell Us Something Good form and share away the next time something AMAZING occurs! #lexington3istheplacetobe #pantherstrong FORM: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfxnPKtopbdCHLgMJWiQe3mkaQmmmUAgoqokbpEVvmGeZHQhg/viewform
over 1 year ago, Lex3 Communications Dept.
Tell Us Something Good
Want to come work in Lexington School District Three? We have several opportunities available and we hope you'll take advantage of them! See the flyers for more information and apply here: https://www.lex3.org/page/employment-opportunities.
over 1 year ago, Lex3 Communications Dept.
Lexington County School District Three's Panther athletes are gearing up for their fall seasons and we want to make sure all of our B-L fans are ready to come cheer them on! Schedules for each of our fall sports have been updated on our website. Just click the link and then click on the sport to see the full schedule: https://www.lex3.org/page/athletics-schedules
over 1 year ago, Lex3 Communications Dept.
Panther Athletics
The Class of 2024 made their mark on Batesburg-Leesville High School's "The Rock" last week during their official "Senior Sunrise" event. What a fun and memorable morning! #lexington3istheplacetobe #pantherstrong
over 1 year ago, Lex3 Communications Dept.
Senior Sunrise
Employees and volunteers who assisted with our summer meal program were honored last night at our Lexington Three Board of Trustees meeting. From June 12th through July 24th a total of 55,004 meals were distributed at various locations in Batesburg-Leesville including Batesburg-Leesville Middle School, Leesville Gardens, Ramblewood Apartments, Creekview Apartments, and Faith Lutheran Church. We thank everyone who had a hand in this amazing program! What a tremendous way to serve our wonderful community!
over 1 year ago, Lex3 Communications Dept.
The National Weather Service is forecasting that a line of severe thunderstorms will be passing through our area starting this afternoon (Monday, August 7th). Part of this forecast includes damaging wind gusts in excess of 60 to 70 miles per hour. These conditions could affect the safe operation of school buses as the South Carolina Department of Education does not allow buses to operate when wind gusts are greater than 40 miles per hour. As a result, Lexington Three will be dismissing all of its students one hour early today. Click to read more: https://www.lex3.org/article/1193230
over 1 year ago, Lex3 Communications Dept.
Bad Weather Graphic
Today was the start of a beautiful new school year in #lex3! It was a joy to officially welcome students and staff back into our buildings. We also had some very special media guests at our schools today to help us celebrate new beginnings. A special thanks to WIS-TV for doing liveshots this morning from B-L Elementary School. We also appreciate WLTX News 19, WACH FOX 57, and The Twin City Newspaper for coming out and covering our first day of school. It's going to be a great year! Visit our social media pages for a TON of pics!
over 1 year ago, Lex3 Communications Dept.
First Day
First Day
First Day
There have been SO MANY SMILES in our schools today as students, parents and teachers reunited for our annual Meet the Teacher Day! Here are a few pics from Batesburg-Leesville Primary School where Pawley the Panther even made a guest appearance. If you haven't made it to one of our time slots today for our Meet the Teacher event there's still time this evening! Drop by our schools between 6 pm and 7 pm to participate! More details can be found here: https://www.lex3.org/page/meet-the-teacher-event
over 1 year ago, Lex3 Communications Dept.
Meet the Teacher
Meet the Teacher
Our online student registration portal will be closing soon for the 2023-2024 school year. If anyone needs assistance getting their child/children registered for school, Lexington Three is hosting an in-person registration day on Wednesday, July 19th at the Lifelong Learning Center (located at 101 West Columbia Avenue). Computers and staff members (including a Spanish translator) will be available from 8 am until 1 pm to assist families. No appointment is necessary. Also - Be sure to visit our online back-to-school headquarters for all of your new school year needs! https://www.lex3.org/o/lex-3/page/back-to-school-2023-2024
over 1 year ago, Lex3 Communications Dept.
Don't forget that today (July 17th) is Meal Pick-Up Monday! Drop by Batesburg-Leesville Middle School between 11 am and 12 pm to receive a total of five breakfasts and five lunches. Meals are available for children between the ages of 1 and 18 years old. Parents can pick up meals without students in the vehicle. However, PLEASE have your identification and your child’s name(s) available. Meals can be picked up at the rear of BLMS. The address for BLMS is 425 Shealy Road.
over 1 year ago, Lex3 Communications Dept.
Our website is being updated weekly with new information pertaining to back-to-school! Be sure to check back here on a regular basis! We cannot wait to see all of our Panther students on August 1st for the first day of school!
over 1 year ago, Lex3 Communications Dept.
With all of the Independence Day festivities, don't forget about Lexington Three's summer meal pick-up event that's happening TOMORROW (Monday, July 3rd)! Drop by Batesburg-Leesville Middle School between 11 am and 12 pm to receive a total of five breakfasts and five lunches. Meals are available for children between the ages of 1 and 18 years old. Parents can pick up meals without students in the vehicle. However, PLEASE have your identification and your child’s name(s) available. Meals can be picked up at the rear of Batesburg-Leesville Middle School. The address for BLMS is 425 Shealy Road. Look for the signs!
over 1 year ago, Lex3 Communications Dept.
Don't forget about Lexington Three's summer meal pick-up event that's happening today (6/26)! Drop by Batesburg-Leesville Middle School between 11 am and 12 pm to receive a total of five breakfasts and five lunches. Meals are available for children between the ages of 1 and 18 years old. Parents can pick up meals without students in the vehicle. However, PLEASE have your identification and your child’s name(s) available. Meals can be picked up at the rear of Batesburg-Leesville Middle School. The address for BLMS is 425 Shealy Road.
over 1 year ago, Lex3 Communications Dept.